Would I Need to Have a Will and an LPA in Place Concurrently?

elderly couple getting advice from a female lawyer

In Singapore, estate planning involves more than just drafting a will. It also includes preparing for potential situations where you may not be able to make decisions for yourself due to mental incapacity. This is where a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) comes into play.  Understanding the roles of both a will and a LPA […]

Easing the Financial Strain on Chronic Disease Management: How Does Healthier SG Assist with Available Subsidies?

young doctor showing patient a medication

Managing chronic diseases can be financially challenging for many individuals and families in Singapore. The costs associated with long-term medical care, medications, and regular consultations can add up quickly, creating a significant burden.  Fortunately, Healthier SG enrolment provides valuable support through various subsidies and programs designed to ease the financial strain of chronic disease management. […]

Complete Guide to Understanding 6ME for Migrant Domestic Workers

female domestic worker ironing clothes

In Singapore, migrant domestic workers play an essential role in many households, providing crucial support for daily living. To ensure the health and well-being of these workers, the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) requires them to undergo a 6 monthly medical examination, commonly known as 6ME. This article provides a comprehensive guide to understanding 6ME, its […]

Selecting an Ideal Health Screening Package for Various Life Stages

male doctor checking an elderly patient

Choosing the right health screening package is crucial for maintaining optimal health at every stage of life. Regular health screenings can detect potential issues early, allowing for timely intervention and better management of health conditions.  In Singapore, a variety of health screening clinics offer packages tailored to different age groups and health needs. This article […]

How Can I Benefit from Screen For Life Health Screening Subsidies

doctor smiling and showing a male patient a chart

Health screenings are essential for early detection and prevention of various diseases, and in Singapore, the Screen for Life (SFL) program offers subsidised health screenings to encourage residents to take proactive steps in maintaining their health.  This article will explore the benefits of the Screen for Life program, eligibility criteria, and how you can take […]

Vomiting in Children: How to Self-Care and When to Seek Medical Attention

young girl with her hand on her mouth

Medically Reviewed by Dr Ho Ying Jie (M.B.B.S. Singapore & Family Physician of Singapore Medical Council) Vomiting is a common issue in children, often causing concern for parents. It can range from a mild inconvenience to a serious health concern, depending on the underlying cause. This article provides a comprehensive guide on managing vomiting in […]