Complete Guide to Understanding 6ME for Migrant Domestic Workers

female domestic worker ironing clothes

In Singapore, migrant domestic workers play an essential role in many households, providing crucial support for daily living. To ensure the health and well-being of these workers, the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) requires them to undergo a 6 monthly medical examination, commonly known as 6ME. This article provides a comprehensive guide to understanding 6ME, its purpose, procedures, and what employers and workers need to know.

What is the 6 Monthly Medical Examination (6ME)?

Purpose of 6ME

The 6 monthly medical examination (6ME) is a mandatory health check-up for all migrant domestic workers in Singapore. It is designed to monitor and maintain the health standards of domestic workers, ensuring that they are fit to perform their duties and do not pose any health risks to the households they work in.

Legal Requirements

The 6ME is a requirement under Singapore’s Employment of Foreign Manpower Act. Employers are responsible for ensuring their domestic workers attend these medical examinations every six months. Failure to comply with the 6ME requirements can result in penalties, including fines and the revocation of the worker’s work permit.

Components of the 6ME

Health Tests Conducted

The 6ME includes a series of health tests aimed at detecting common and serious health conditions that could affect the domestic worker’s ability to work. These tests typically include:

  • Tuberculosis (TB) Screening: To detect active TB, which is contagious and can spread within households.
  • HIV Screening: To identify HIV infections, ensuring that appropriate medical care can be provided.
  • Pregnancy Test: To check for pregnancy, as domestic workers are not allowed to work in Singapore if they are pregnant.
  • Venereal Disease Test: To screen for sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
  • General Physical Examination: To assess the overall health and physical fitness of the worker.

Frequency and Scheduling

The 6ME must be conducted every six months, starting from the date of the domestic worker’s arrival in Singapore. Employers will receive a notification from the MOM when it is time to schedule the next examination. It is crucial to adhere to the scheduled dates to avoid any penalties.

Responsibilities of Employers and Domestic Workers

Employer Responsibilities

Employers play a vital role in ensuring compliance with the 6ME requirements. Their responsibilities include:

  • Scheduling the Examination: Employers must book the 6ME at an accredited health screening clinic.
  • Covering the Costs: Employers are responsible for all costs associated with the 6ME, including transportation to and from the clinic.
  • Accompanying the Worker: It is recommended that employers accompany their domestic workers to the clinic to ensure the process goes smoothly.
  • Monitoring Results: Employers should review the examination results and follow up with any necessary medical care or additional tests.

Domestic Worker Responsibilities

Domestic workers also have responsibilities in the 6ME process:

  • Attending the Examination: Workers must attend the scheduled 6ME appointments.
  • Providing Accurate Information: Workers should provide truthful and accurate information during the examination.
  • Following Medical Advice: If any health issues are detected, workers should follow the medical advice and treatment plans provided by the clinic.

Choosing a Health Screening Clinic

Accredited Clinics

It is essential to choose an accredited health screening clinic for the 6ME. Accredited clinics are authorised by the MOM to conduct the required tests and examinations for domestic workers. A list of accredited clinics can be found on the MOM website.

Considerations When Selecting a Clinic

When selecting a health screening clinic for the 6ME, consider the following factors:

  • Location: Choose a clinic that is conveniently located to reduce travel time and costs.
  • Reputation: Opt for a clinic with a good reputation for quality service and reliable results.
  • Facilities: Ensure the clinic has the necessary facilities and equipment to conduct all required tests.
  • Language Support: Some clinics offer language support services to help domestic workers who may not be fluent in English.

Understanding the Results

Reviewing Examination Results

Once the 6ME is completed, the clinic will provide the examination results. Employers should carefully review these results to ensure their domestic workers are healthy and fit for work. If any health issues are detected, employers should seek further medical advice and take appropriate action.

Follow-Up Actions

Depending on the results of the 6ME, follow-up actions may be required:

  • Positive TB or HIV Test: If a domestic worker tests positive for TB or HIV, the MOM will be notified, and the worker may need to undergo further medical evaluation or treatment.
  • Pregnancy: If a domestic worker is found to be pregnant, her work permit will be revoked, and she will have to return to her home country.
  • Other Health Issues: For other detected health issues, employers should seek advice from a healthcare professional and ensure the worker receives the necessary treatment and care.

Consequences of Non-Compliance

Penalties for Employers

Failure to comply with the 6ME requirements can result in significant penalties for employers. These penalties include:

  • Fines: Employers may be fined for not scheduling or attending the 6ME appointments.
  • Revocation of Work Permit: The domestic worker’s work permit may be revoked if the 6ME is not completed as required.
  • Legal Consequences: Non-compliance with the 6ME requirements can lead to legal action under the Employment of Foreign Manpower Act.

Impact on Domestic Workers

Non-compliance with the 6ME requirements can also have serious consequences for domestic workers. These include:

  • Work Permit Revocation: The worker’s permit may be revoked, leading to deportation.
  • Health Risks: Failure to detect and treat health issues can lead to serious health complications.

Ensure the Well-Being of Your Domestic Workers – Schedule Their 6ME at Keystone Clinic & Surgery!

The 6 monthly medical examination (6ME) is a crucial requirement for migrant domestic workers in Singapore, ensuring their health and well-being while working in households. Both employers and domestic workers must understand their responsibilities and adhere to the 6ME requirements to avoid penalties and ensure a healthy working environment. 

By choosing an accredited health screening clinic and following the guidelines provided by the MOM, employers can help their domestic workers stay healthy and productive, benefiting both the workers and the households they serve.

References Migrant Domestic Worker Eligibility. 2020. Employment of Foreign Manpower Act 1990. Six Monthly Medical Examination (6ME) for MDWs.