Why Do Flu Vaccines Contain Eggs? And What to Do if You Have an Egg Allergy?

young man giving a thumbs up sign while getting vaccinated

Reviewed by Dr Jackie Lam, M.B.B.S (Singapore) Flu vaccines have long been a crucial tool in preventing the spread of influenza. However, one peculiar aspect of these vaccines often raises eyebrows: the inclusion of eggs in their production. In this article, we explore why flu vaccines contain eggs, the processes involved, and what individuals with […]

Hospitals, General Practitioners and Polyclinics: Which Should Singaporeans Choose?

healthcare professionals wheeling in a patient

Navigating the healthcare landscape in Singapore involves making choices that align with individual needs and preferences. Understanding the roles of hospitals, general practitioners (GPs), and polyclinics is essential for informed decision-making.  In this article, we will explore these healthcare options and provide insights to help you make choices that best suit your health requirements. The […]