Why Was the Mental Capacity Act Introduced in Singapore?

old woman speaking with a young female lawyer

Medically Reviewed by Dr Ho Ying Jie, M.B.B.S (Singapore) Mental capacity is defined as an individual’s ability to make a specific decision at a specific time. An individual must be assumed to have mental capacity unless it has been established otherwise. It is assessed on a case-by-case basis and, following the principles of the Mental […]

Why Does Singapore Adopt a Healthcare System of Differentiated Charges Instead of Free Healthcare?

elderly male doctor speaking with a young female patient

Singapore’s healthcare system is distinctive, characterized by differentiated charges rather than a completely free healthcare model. This unique approach has garnered international attention for its effectiveness.  In this article, we will explore the reasons behind Singapore’s decision to adopt differentiated charges in its healthcare system, exploring the benefits and considerations that have shaped this approach. […]

Why the Necessity for Pre-Employment Checkups?

young male doctor examining a female patient

In Singapore, as in many countries, one of the requirements for obtaining a work permit is a pre-employment medical checkup. This practice raises ethical questions about the treatment of foreign workers and the necessity of such examinations. This article looks into the ethical considerations surrounding mandatory medical checkups for foreign workers seeking employment in Singapore. […]