Common Medical Conditions that Can Affect Your Eligibility for a Work Permit

male doctor speaking with a male patient

Navigating the process of obtaining a work permit in Singapore involves meeting certain health requirements to ensure the safety and well-being of employees and the broader community. Before being granted a work permit in Singapore, individuals are required to undergo a medical check-up to assess their health status and identify any medical conditions that may affect their ability to work safely and effectively.

The medical check-up is conducted by approved healthcare providers and aims to ensure that foreign workers are fit for employment in Singapore. However, there are several medical conditions that can impact an individual’s eligibility for a work permit. 

In this article, we explore some common medical conditions that may affect your eligibility for a work permit in Singapore, providing valuable insights for individuals seeking employment in the country.

Common Medical Conditions and Their Impact on Work Permit Eligibility

Infectious Diseases

Certain infectious diseases, such as tuberculosis (TB), hepatitis B, and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), may affect an individual’s eligibility for a work permit. These conditions can pose risks to workplace safety and public health, and individuals with infectious diseases may be deemed unfit for employment in certain industries.

Chronic Medical Conditions

Chronic medical conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, and epilepsy may also impact eligibility for a work permit. While individuals with these conditions may still be eligible for employment, their ability to perform certain job duties may be assessed based on the severity and management of their condition.

Mental Health Disorders

Mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia may affect an individual’s eligibility for a work permit, particularly if the condition significantly impairs their ability to function in the workplace. Employers may consider factors such as the nature of the job and the individual’s ability to manage their condition effectively.

Physical Disabilities

Individuals with physical disabilities may face challenges in obtaining a work permit, depending on the nature of the disability and its impact on their ability to perform job duties safely. Employers may need to make accommodations to support employees with disabilities in the workplace.

Navigating Medical Check-Up Requirements

During the medical check-up for a work permit, healthcare providers will assess the individual’s overall health status, conduct specific tests as required by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM), and provide a medical report detailing the findings. 

Depending on the results of the medical examination, individuals may be deemed fit for employment, temporarily unfit pending further evaluation or treatment, or unfit for employment based on the presence of certain medical conditions.

Seeking Guidance from Healthcare Professionals

Individuals who have concerns about their eligibility for a work permit due to medical conditions should seek guidance from healthcare professionals experienced in occupational health and work permit requirements. These professionals can provide advice on managing medical conditions, navigating the work permit application process, and addressing any concerns raised during the medical check-up.


Navigating the process of obtaining a work permit in Singapore involves meeting certain health requirements to ensure workplace safety and the well-being of employees. By understanding common medical conditions that may affect eligibility for a work permit and seeking guidance from healthcare professionals, individuals can take proactive steps to address any health concerns and increase their chances of securing employment in Singapore. For comprehensive medical check-up services and guidance on work permit requirements, visit Keystone Clinic & Surgery.

References 2024. Medical Examination for Migrant Worker. New Primary Healthcare System for Eligible Workers. Your Guide to Employing a Foreign Domestic Worker.

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