Is the Flu Vaccine in Singapore Free?

female patient pointing at her vaccinated arm

Influenza, commonly known as the flu, is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses. In Singapore, the flu vaccine is an essential tool in preventing the spread of influenza and reducing the risk of flu-related complications, especially among vulnerable populations. 

One common question that arises is whether the flu vaccine in Singapore is provided free of charge. This article explores the availability, accessibility, and cost of the flu vaccine in Singapore, along with the importance of vaccination in protecting public health.

Understanding the Flu Vaccine

The flu vaccine is a safe and effective way to prevent influenza viruses and their associated complications. It works by stimulating the body’s immune system to produce antibodies against specific strains of influenza viruses. 

Each year, the flu vaccine is updated to target the most prevalent strains of influenza expected to circulate during the flu season. In Singapore, the flu vaccine is typically administered through injection and is recommended for individuals aged six months and older.

Availability of the Flu Vaccine in Singapore

The flu vaccine is readily available in Singapore through various healthcare providers. Singapore’s Ministry of Health (MOH) recommends annual flu vaccination for individuals at higher risk of influenza-related complications, including:

  • Children aged six months to less than five years old
  • Adults aged 65 years and older
  • Pregnant women
  • Individuals with chronic medical conditions such as asthma, diabetes, heart disease, or weakened immune systems
  • Healthcare workers and caregivers of high-risk individuals

Accessibility of Free Flu Vaccination Programs

While the flu vaccine is not provided free of charge to the general population in Singapore, certain groups are eligible for subsidised or free vaccination under specific government initiatives. These include:

National Childhood Immunization Schedule (NCIS)

Children aged six months to less than five years old are eligible for free flu vaccination under the NCIS. The flu vaccine is administered as part of the routine childhood immunisation schedule to protect young children from influenza viruses.

National Adult Immunization Schedule (NAIS)

Adults aged 65 years and older, as well as individuals with chronic medical conditions, may qualify for subsidised flu vaccination under the NAIS. This scheme aims to reduce the financial burden of vaccination for vulnerable populations and encourage uptake among those at higher risk of influenza-related complications.

Cost of the Flu Vaccine for Other Groups

For individuals who do not qualify for subsidised or free flu vaccination, the cost of the flu vaccine may vary depending on the healthcare provider and vaccine brand. Private clinics and pharmacies in Singapore offer flu vaccination services at competitive prices, with some providers offering promotional rates or package deals during the flu season. Additionally, corporate employers may offer flu vaccination programs as part of their employee health and wellness initiatives.

Importance of Flu Vaccination in Public Health

Vaccination is a crucial component of public health strategies to prevent the spread of infectious diseases and protect vulnerable populations. In the case of influenza, vaccination not only reduces the risk of flu-related illness and, in certain occasions with extreme complications, hospitalisation, but also helps prevent the spread of influenza viruses within the community. 

By achieving high vaccination coverage rates, Singapore can establish herd immunity against influenza, thereby protecting individuals who may be unable to receive the vaccine due to medical contraindications or age-related factors.

The Role of Health Screening Clinics in Flu Vaccination

Health screening clinics in Singapore play a vital role in promoting flu vaccination and providing convenient access to vaccination services for individuals and families. These clinics offer comprehensive health assessments, including vaccination counselling and administration, to help individuals make informed decisions about their healthcare needs. By partnering with experienced healthcare professionals, individuals can receive personalised recommendations for flu vaccination based on their age, medical history, and risk factors.


In Singapore, the flu vaccine is widely available through various healthcare providers, including public institutions and private clinics. While the flu vaccine is not provided free of charge to the general population, certain groups, such as young children and older adults, may qualify for subsidised or free vaccination under specific government programs. 

For individuals who do not qualify for subsidised vaccination, the cost of the flu vaccine is affordable and accessible through private healthcare providers and corporate vaccination programs. For comprehensive healthcare services, including flu vaccination and health screenings, visit Keystone Clinic & Surgery today!

References 2007. Childhood Immunisation.,immunisations%20are%20compulsory%20by%20law. 2005. Influenza Vaccinations. 2023. Influenza (Flu) Vaccination: The Best Way to Avoid Getting the Flu.

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