Why is Singapore Subsidising the Cost of an LPA Application?

elderly man signing a document assisted by a lawyer

In Singapore, the Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) serves as a crucial legal document that allows individuals to appoint trusted persons to make decisions on their behalf should they lose mental capacity in the future. Recognizing the importance of LPA certification, the Singapore government has implemented measures to subsidize the cost of LPA application fees. But why is Singapore subsidizing the cost of an LPA application? Let us look into the reasons behind this initiative.

Promoting Accessibility to LPA Certification

The decision to subsidize the cost of LPA application fees is driven by the government’s commitment to promoting accessibility to LPA certification for all Singaporeans. It recognizes that legal capacity planning is essential for ensuring that individuals’ wishes are respected and their interests protected, particularly in situations where they are unable to make decisions for themselves due to mental incapacity. By reducing financial barriers, the government aims to encourage more individuals to proactively plan for their future healthcare and financial needs through the creation of an LPA.

Encouraging Early Planning for Incapacity

Creating an LPA is a proactive step towards planning for potential incapacity due to aging, illness, or accident. By subsidizing the cost of LPA application fees, the government seeks to encourage individuals to take early action in appointing trusted decision-makers who can act in their best interests should they become incapacitated in the future. 

Early planning ensures that individuals have a say in who manages their affairs and can avoid the need for costly and time-consuming court-appointed deputies. Moreover, it provides peace of mind to individuals and their families, knowing that their wishes are legally documented and can be implemented when needed.

Empowering Individuals to Make Informed Choices

The subsidy for LPA application fees empowers individuals to make informed choices about their future care and financial matters. It recognizes that each individual’s circumstances and preferences are unique, and therefore, having the flexibility to appoint suitable donees and specify instructions in the LPA is crucial. By making LPA certification more accessible and affordable, individuals can take control of their affairs and ensure that their wishes are respected, even if they are unable to communicate or make decisions for themselves in the future.

Supporting Caregivers and Loved Ones

In addition to benefiting individuals who create LPAs, the subsidy for LPA application fees also supports caregivers and loved ones who may be called upon to act as deputies or donees under the LPA. 

By encouraging more individuals to create LPAs, the government helps to alleviate the burden on caregivers and loved ones by ensuring that there are clear instructions and legal frameworks in place for decision-making in the event of incapacity. This support is especially crucial for caregivers who may already be facing the challenges of caring for a loved one with mental incapacity and require legal guidance and protection.

Continued Commitment to Enhancing Legal Capacity Planning

The decision to subsidize the cost of LPA application fees reflects the Singapore government’s continued commitment to enhancing legal capacity planning and safeguarding the interests of vulnerable individuals in society. 

By making LPA certification more accessible and affordable, the government seeks to empower individuals to take control of their future and ensure that their wishes are respected and upheld. Moreover, it underscores the importance of proactive planning for incapacity as part of comprehensive estate and healthcare planning.

Securing Your Future with LPA Certification

Singapore’s subsidy for LPA application fees underscores the government’s commitment to promoting accessibility to legal capacity planning and empowering individuals to make informed decisions about their future care and financial matters. 

By reducing financial barriers, the government encourages early planning for incapacity, supports caregivers and loved ones, and strengthens the legal framework for decision-making in the event of mental incapacity. To learn more about LPA certification and how you can take proactive steps to plan for your future, visit Keystone Clinic & Surgery today.


Msf.gov.sg. 2024. Lasting Power of Attorney Application Fees Waived for Two More Years. https://www.msf.gov.sg/media-room/article/Lasting-Power-of-Attorney-application-fees-waived-for-two-more-years

Straitstimes.com. Free LPA Certification Under New Campaign to Promote Better Pre-Planning. https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/free-lpa-applications-under-new-campaign-to-promote-better-end-of-life-planning

Msf.gov.sg. Average Cost to Pay a Certificate Issuer to Make an LPA. https://www.msf.gov.sg/media-room/article/average-cost-to-pay-a-certificate-issuer-to-make-an-lpa

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